Where the spirit of the Lord is all around you
Our centuries-
Although the parish and this part of north Somerset is rich in history, with 13th-
St Paul’s is part of the Benefice by the Sea, linked with Wick St Lawrence, and led by our vicar, the Rev Gail Thomas. It is within Locking Deanery, part of the Diocese of Bath and Wells, and the parish stretches over Worlebury Hill to the edge of Weston town, to the east embracing part of Worle and to Sand Bay and the Severn Sea, running out to the west.
Special atmosphere
Our church family is drawn from across this area and from further afield – worshippers who are inspired by the special atmosphere of the church and its surroundings, by the friendliness of the people they meet and pray with, and the wide range of our services here.
Our Sunday services are core to church life and marriages, baptisms, and funerals
take place during the year. House groups meet for further Christian study as well
and there are coffee mornings to enjoy. Whether a long-
How to find us: satnav -
Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is taken very seriously across the Church of England.
A copy of St Paul’s safeguarding policy can be found on the Contact Us page.
The safeguarding officer for St Paul’s Church is Alison Withers. She can be contacted by telephone, 07706063272.
Diocesan safeguarding adviser is Ben Goodhind, tel. 01749 588917. Email: ben.goodhind@bathwells. anglican.org. Address: The Diocese of Bath and Wells, Flourish House, Cathedral Park, Wells, BA5 1FD.
Our new kitchen: it’s a winning recipe
Singing the praises of toddler Emmanuel
Shopping to help funds
Easyfundraising which is an easy way to raise money for our churches which donates money to the church each time you buy online from selected stores. You basically download the app onto your computer and each time you use one of these sites it takes you through the link for your church.
St Pauls: http://efraising.org/BfcH gZszn7
All are welcome to our friendly church here at Kewstoke and that does mean, of course, the tiniest of toddlers.
The patter of small feet is not heard at every service but recently a very young fellow became quite a personality as Rev Paul Owen, one of our supporting priests, was conducting proceedings.
As our picture shows, young Emmanuel was here, there and everywhere and the congregation was delighted to see the special bond he seemed to form with Rev Paul as the service unfolded.
What a perfect example of how St Paul’s is, indeed, a place for all, and even for the youngest of us all!
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Hiring the recently redecorated church hall for events large or small has become even more appealing with the completion of a splendid refurbished kitchen.
The kitchen was reopened for the thriving weekly Tuesday coffee morning, regularly
attended by locals and visitors to the village who enjoy home-
The 10am – 12 coffee mornings are now in their twentieth year and a special anniversary occasion will take place at the hall on Shrove Tuesday, 4 March, when pancakes will be served. Everyone is welcome.
Key to the updating of the kitchen was the kind donation of cabinets and paint by, respectively, our local Wickes and B&Q hardware and DIY stores.
The hall is a hub of church life and also an important centre for raising church funds. Increased demand for bookings is expected and interested parties should contact Sue Crosse by email, kewstokechurchhallbookings@gm ail.com or tel 07979188977.
Let’s uncork some fun
If you enjoy a glass of wine there’s a date around the corner that you may like to jot in your diary.
You could try a sauvignon blanc or maybe a really tasty merlot from California. We’re not quite sure which particular wines will be lined up but judging by the last church wine tasting session last year, the next event, on Friday evening 14 March, at the church hall will not disappoint.
Those interested, please contact Rosemary Cunningham, tel 07973923441 to book a place at £15 per person, in aid of church funds.
A Festival of Marriage
Plans are under way to stage a Festival of Marriage at St Paul’s.
It will focus on couples who have been married in the church over the years but, of course, all are welcome to attend and take part.
The event will take place in the hall and church on the weekend of 10/11 May.
Rev Gail would be delighted to hear from those who took their vows at St Paul’s and
would like to take part in the festival.
A highlight will be on the Sunday when couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows.
There will also be a display of wedding day memories, ranging from photographs, anniversary items and maybe a wedding dress on show!
Music and afternoon tea will be included in the weekend programme.
Installation work and redecorating was tackled by volunteers, including Shane Killaway, Jim Hill, Tony Morris, Nancy and Harrison and Caroline and Charlotte who were all thanked by the Rev Gail.
A welcome return for our weekly coffee event
This week it was lovely to be back in the church hall for our coffee morning.
Many thanks go to all who helped us with this project as it looks really good (see picture, below). We are hoping now for some new bookings!
Thank you also to the New Inn for housing us for a few weeks -
Whilst I am thanking people, I would like to give special thanks to Charlotte who has revamped the News from the Pews, my weekly bulletin on social media, and made it look good (and I'm told it works beautifully on mobiles now too). She really has used her gift to God's glory this week!
Let's Celebrate Love is on the 22 February at 4pm. This is an opportunity for the whole church family to worship together, explore the theme through crafts, discussion and games and then all eat together. Please do come along and join us.
Do also sign up for one of the Lent courses (see What’s On page for details). This year we will be exploring God's mercy on Wednesday afternoons and Thursday evenings via Zoom.
Keep warm!
Every blessing,
Funeral date
The funeral of Margaret Leddy will be held in church on Wednesday 19 February at 3:30pm.
Sunday 16 February
Jeremiah 17:5-
1 Corinthians 15:12-
Luke 6:17-
Psalm 1.
Eternal God, whose Son went among the crowds and brought healing with his touch: help us to show his love, in your Church as we gather together, and by our lives as they are transformed into the image of Christ our Lord. Amen.
Movie night
The regular Film Club this month takes place as usual in the church hall at 7pm on Friday 21 February. Suggested donation: £2.
Gospel musical at Weston church
Holy Trinity Church, in South Road, Weston will be hosting "It Is Well With My Soul," a musical performed by Handiworks Productions which, like the beloved hymn, invites you to explore the Gospel message of hope, like an anchor for the soul.
It takes place on Friday, 4 April. Tickets: £10 ~ suitable for ages 7+
Contact: gareth.hides@gmail.com for more information.